Austin Area Free Project

This Free Project chapter crosses campus boundaries and includes 16 active members from three Texas institutions in the Austin area: Austin Community College, University of Texas, and Texas State. Although newly formed in July 2014, they have already organized three petition walks in the Austin area during which they discuss human trafficking issues with diverse communities. They are also seeking to bring about legal changes, drafting a petition to members of the Texas government. In this petition, the Austin Free Project chapter presses government officials to allocate more resources towards the Trafficking Department, a move that will help combat the growing problem of human trafficking in Texas and the United States. In the 2014-2015 school year, they also have planned monthly awareness campaigns around their campuses, as well as many community outreach programs. They feel that performing community outreach programs will not only benefit the community, but also will help them become a household name. This will, they hope, open the dialogue and recruit people to the cause of ending human trafficking. While firmly committed to the anti-slavery cause, the Austin Chapter recognizes the importance of volunteering in any capacity, and are planning food and toy drives for the holiday season along with partnering with Meals on Wheels to support their community. To recruit members and advertise events, the Austin Chapter uses print and social media, including their own blog,

Austin FP Chapter Blog